Mental health awareness blog 3
May is mental health awareness month
This is the last installment of the three-part blog series. If you’ve been following along, you’re up to 20 days of creative self-care and happiness boosting suggestions. For more information about therapy with Tracey…
20. Stop putting so much weight on other peoples’ opinion of you. What people think has more to do with them than it does with you. Be a trailblazer.
21. Clear the air. Burn sage to clear out old stuffy energy.
22. Stop saying you can’t. You don’t have to justify your situation. You face many challenges in life. Don’t hang onto your limitations.
23. Meditate every day. Just 10 minutes a day to quiet your mind and get in touch with your inner being. This will help you access your intuition, creativity and inspiration. I know it’s hard. I know you don’t think you’re good at it. I know you’re bored. Do it anyway.
24. Take a break from social media. Since you’re already given up comparing yourself to others, and caring about what they think, this should be easy.
25. Clean up your diet. Excess sugar and processed weigh you down and affect your mood. Start by adding some fresh fruits […]
Mental health awareness blog 2 keep the care going.
Happy ongoing mental health awareness.
All month I’ve been talking with people about adding self-care to their routine. We’re in the 3rd installment of my blogs for mental health awareness month and I’m happy to say that clients are saying they feel better having a daily task that’s all about them.
9. Say a positive affirmation. An affirmation is a thought you want to believe but don’t. Start with something manageable like “I am becoming the person I want to be.” Or “things are always working out for me.” You can add and make adjustments as you go.
10. Start your morning with a big glass of cold water. Hydrate your way to early morning self-care.
11. Play with an animal. Animals are calming and provide unconditional love. If you don’t have a pet, visit a shelter. It’ll make your day, and theirs too.
12. Make your bed. Even if this is the only thing you accomplish all day, it’s an accomplishment and it organizes you.
13. Watch a comedy. Take your mind off your problems with a lighthearted comedy. It’s a good reset.
14. Stretch. Get some blood flowing with a little morning stretch. Reconnect with your body in this gentle way.
15. Try some […]
May is mental health awareness month
In honor of mental health awareness month, I decided to blog a daily idea for improving your outlook and lifting yourself out of depression, sadness, anxiety, loss, betrayal, or anger. Frequently the focus of mental health is actually an illness. I want to direct the conversation toward health, positivity, and self-love.
So here is this week’s list.
- Stop comparing yourself to other people. You are unique and unlike anyone else. When you compare yourself, you ignore your inner self and limit your self-expression. Be you.
- Set goals for yourself. Every day. Set one small goal to be happy. Keep yourself always moving forward.
- Smile in the mirror. Yes. Smile at yourself. It will make you feel better just to smile.
- Practice Patience. Become more patient with yourself and others.
- Breath in the fresh air. Spend some time in nature. It’s naturally relaxing.
- Spend time with friends. Social support prevents loneliness and makes you feel better.
- Focus on forgiveness. Forgive the past and let go of it. If you hold onto it, you’re depriving yourself of all the good things that are happing right now. And now. And now. And now.
- Say hello to a stranger. Yes. Use your voice and say hello to […]
Geopathic stress and wellness
Energetic disturbances in the environment can affect your physical, mental health and wellness. Geopathic stress is placed on the body when you live or work around weak electromagnetic fields cured by underground streams, fault lines, caverns or certain minerals. Some early symptoms are restlessness, headaches, insomnia, and fatigue. Over time these symptoms can grow into more serious health concerns including Multiple sclerosis, (MS) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia, cancer, and emotional or behavioral problems. If the body is not able to rest and repair through healthy sleep patterns, it cannot perform the necessary metabolic processes, repair cell damage, fight infection or properly absorb nutrients. Instead, the body must use its energy to fight the effects of geopathic stress.
There are several types of offending geopathic stresses. Start by thinking about the type of stress and the location of it in your home. This will affect how you deal with it. Underground streams, vortex, or fault lines can amplify the effect of energy. Patterns may be constant or seasonal.
Find the location of the energy by dowsing with a stick or a pendulum. I prefer self-muscle testing. A compass can also help you find an electromagnetic disturbance. Turn to face north and then slowly move […]
Improve your employer and employee relationship.
Do you want to improve your employer and employee relationship?
Are you looking to become a likable leader? It doesn’t matter if you have movie-star good looks, what matters is the quality of your relationships. For a company to perform optimally, it’s important to feel comfortable with the company’s leadership. If you have a good employer and employee relationship, you will be motivated to perform better and work harder. A likable leader interacts well, is respectful and gets results. The better your employer and employee relationship are, the stronger your company will be.
Day to day interactions means a lot. Good communication, timeliness and keeping your word are crucial to building trust and a sense of community within your organization.
Increase your positive emotional connections.
Relationships are contagious just like flu or cold. If a leader is a frustrated, short-tempered and angry type, the emotion will spread faster among employees. But, if the employer is good-natured, polite and optimistic, the positive emotions will flow to others. Make sure you have only positive emotional traits to spread to others.
Showcase solid integrity.
Your integrity will be established only when you are trustworthy and reliable. If you keep your promises and commitments, […]
National eating disorder awareness week
This week marks national eating disorder awareness week. Eating disorders are complicated mental health and societal issues. The National Eating Disorder Association NEDA estimates that 30 million Americans suffer from a full-blown eating disorder. Many more struggle with food addiction, compulsive overeating, binge eating and other eating disorders that never get counted because people deal with them silently. This year’s theme is Let’s get Real. Addressing stigma and honestly discussing eating disorders are at the forefront of prevention and early treatment.
Some of the signs to watch out for:
- preoccupation with food, calories, food, carbs, fat, or dieting
- overconcern with health or healthy foods
- obsessing about appearance, size, shape or perceived body flaws
- refusing to eat certain foods
- refusing to eat with others
- skipping meals
- food rituals
- withdrawal from friends or family
- mood swings
- frequent or extreme dieting
- frequent noticeable weight fluctuations
- menstrual irregularities
- dizziness, fainting, fatigue
- difficulty concentrating
- changes in sleep or eating habits.
- dental problems
- dry skin or changes in skin or hair
Each eating disorder has its own set of symptoms
Anorexia is characterized by severe caloric restriction, excessive weight loss or the desire to be a very low weight. People with anorexia may be very rigid around food, and […]
What are the Signs of Eating Disorder?
What are the signs, symptoms and treatment options for eating disorder?
If you have the habit of eating less or excessively, you might be showing signs of an eating disorder. It may result in psychological factors, socio-cultural factors or genetic factors. Eating disorders are a complex problem influenced by a variety of factors. We do not know the exact reason behind this disorder, but as per the researchers, a combination of psychological, biological and environmental abnormalities lead to this disorder. Irregular hormonal functions, genetic factors, nutritional deficiency, lack of self-esteem, dysfunctional family dynamics, any undertake of a profession that requires a slim body, child sexual abuse, etc., can show up the symptoms and results of an eating disorder. If your career demands you to stay lanky and thin, you will have this problem. Similarly, aesthetically oriented activities like gymnastics, rowing, running, wrestling can bring forth nutritional deficiency. It has various signs and symptoms. On the other hand, the treatment options are also many.
What are the signs of an eating disorder?
The one who is suffering from an eating disorder may show up several signs and symptoms. They include:
• Excessive dieting even if one is underweight to a dangerous […]
Change is inevitable and you can grown from it
The only this that is certain in this life is change.
I recently read an article that said all of the Buddhist teachings could be summed up in two words. “Everything changes”. The harder you resist change, the more you suffer. Be flexible and embrace change, and your life becomes infinitely easier.
A lot of people are uncomfortable with uncertainty. As a result, they struggle to feel a greater sense of control over their lives. They feel more secure knowing what to expect from every day and every situation. This need to be in control can range from subtle and easy to manage, to highly difficult to live with.
Often, a disruption in life circumstances is the catalyst that brings people into therapy. The death of a loved one, divorce, college graduation, and job loss are all major adjustments that cause stress and sometimes trigger emotional or physical symptoms. Those triggers are easily identified and usually easily resolved.
Most people are afraid to change because they lack practical skills to help them cope. They may have had chaotic childhoods that did not prepare them. Others were either sheltered from change or suffered so many changes in their young […]
Various Treatment Options for Anxiety Disorder?
What are the various treatment options for anxiety you need to know?
An anxiety disorder may be treated with anxiety treatment. The treatment choice is dependent on the kind of disorder you are having. It all depends on how frequent you have anxiety attacks and what type of disorder it is, how severe it is and the personal choice of the one having it. Physicians often use a combination of treatments to offer maximum relief. In this section, we will discuss the various treatment options and the types of treatment for this particular disorder.
The various causes of anxiety…
Whenever there is a stressful situation, your reaction is getting anxious. But, anxiety helps an individual to cope with tough and demanding situations. Being anxious when the situation calls for it is pretty normal. But, if anxiety is a common occurrence then it is a disorder. At times, the reaction to the situation may also get out of control. This is again a disorder.
Anxiety disorder is that condition whereby the sufferer experiences stress and uneasiness at situations that seem normal to the other person. Such a situation and experience interferes with […]
HBLU and the structure of trauma
I watched for the better part of two years as the Tappan Zee bridge was replaced. The parts for the new bridge were assembled and the structure was created from deep under the water. Layer upon layer was added until the structure was capable of allowing its first passenger vehicles. It was finally complete and with the same painstaking attention to structure, the old bridge was disassembled and removed until not a trace of its existence is left. HBLU is groundbreaking in its ability to map out and dismantle the structure of trauma.
Judith Swack published her first paper on the structure of trauma in 1994. She recognized that most traumas fell into one of two categories: loss and violence. Because it takes so much energy to compensate for traumatic experiences, people who have suffered but not cleared trauma may have difficulty fully engaging in life. They remain numb even after the initial strong negative emotions have worn off.
Initial Shock
The initial shock occurs at the first introduction of trauma. The phone call, face to face meeting or first hand witnessing of the traumatic event is imprinted in the body […]
Three scientifically proven steps to increase happiness
People rate happiness as the most important factor in one’s life– more than material success or physical beauty. In fact, a new branch of psychology called ‘positive psychology’ focuses on what we can change in our habits and lives to increase happiness. The science of happiness is a blossoming field of study which identifies key factors to improving overall feelings of well-being.
And with good reason. Perceived happiness has been linked to physical health, including reducing inflammation, preventing cardiovascular disease and life threatening illnesses. Happy employees are more productive, and deep contentment in one’s life and mind offers more freedom in life.
There are several factors involved in your happiness level: genetics, life circumstances and personal outlook all play a role, according to Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD. In her book ‘The How of Happiness,’ she explains genetics account for 50% of our happiness (called a ‘set point’), life circumstances take up another 10%, leaving 40% to our mindset.
That means a whopping 40% of our happiness levels are our choice. It’s a conscious decision to incorporate scientifically proven methods on how to be happy. Although it takes effort to change our habits, it is our natural state to be blissful and at peace. Below […]
What is an Eating Disorder?
What are the causes, kinds, and outcomes of an eating disorder?
An eating disorder is that mental disorder which manifests in the form of abnormal eating habits, affecting your mental and physical health negatively. Millions of men and women in the USA have some eating disorder. As per the recent researches, 2 people in 4 have eating disorders. They have all unhealthy notions about their weight, eating habits and dieting. It is a serious condition characterized by persistent eating behavior. The ones who are distressed or concerned about their body weight and body shape, they adopt unhealthy eating ways. Now, this disorder is described as illness whereby an individual either eats excessively or eats less. Both situations can damage a person’s well being. There can be various causes behind it.
Factors contributing to an eating disorder:
The factors that lead to the onset of an eating disorder are complex. We cannot say that there is any particular reason behind the eating problem. Some of the factors that contribute to this problem are given below:
Genetic Factors: as per the research, it is found out that an eating disorder is related to genetic factors. This may result from the complex interaction […]