Why forgiveness matters.
“Forgive and forget” is one of the most widely used platitudes. It is simple advice taught to children but rarely followed by adults. Adults always find a way to avoid or explain away the need for one or both parts. We avoid forgiveness in order to maintain our sense of righteous indignation. We avoid forgetting in order to stay safe from future slights or assaults. Or so we think…
I spoke to my cousin after a very long estrangement. My parents had ended their relationship with her many years before and were against my reunion. Then, a huge tragedy rocked my family and she wanted to be included. My father finally gave in and spoke to her only to realize that everything he thought he knew about her was wrong. His memory of her and his feelings was frozen in time. He had spent 20 years telling himself a story that wasn’t true anymore. She had gone on with her life but he still held this outdated opinion about her. What’s worse, the relationship was damaged and beyond repair. In that short interaction, I understood why forgiveness is so important.
Withholding forgiveness keeps you frozen in time.
A grudge happens when a […]
HBLU for trauma therapy
I have practiced trauma therapy for almost two decades. Clients who have worked with me over the last 3 years have heard me talk about HBLU for trauma therapy and more. Many of my clients have tried it and experienced the positive results and lasting benefits. People have seen their lives improve. I realize that HBLU or “Healing from the body level up” is not yet a household name, but it should be. I became a therapist because therapy helped me as a child. I studied psychodynamic psychotherapy because that was the background of the therapists who helped me the most. Throughout my career, I have loved learning about human nature and I love the field of psychology. I have followed the paths of therapists who taught me, inspired me and piqued my interest. HBLU has been no different.
I found HBLU quite accidentally while attending a conference for comprehensive energy psychology. At that point, I was curious, but still skeptical about how the bodies energy system can be utilized to accelerate change and growth. I found myself mesmerized by the lecture and demonstration the founder of HBLU, Judith Swack, gave at the conference. She took a […]
How to Maintain a Long Distance Relationship?
What are the tips for maintaining a long distance relationship?
Relationships have their share of issues and conflicts in any of the normal situations. Even a healthy relationship has its share of ups and downs. If the relation is long distance relationship, then there is more chance of falling out. In fact, it is a distance which causes a gulf between the lovebirds, who are inseparable. Not always a long distance relationship has disadvantages. It also has pros. If distance separates you, your relationship will grow stronger each day. You will be missing each other and would like to do certain things to make the other happy. Long distance may suck at times, but there are tips you can follow to let your relationship work.
In this digital era, individuals meet online. Most of the relationships start online with social networking sites. Although the long-distance relationship is not easy, distance need not ruin your relationship. With the right kind of communication and commitment, long distance relationships may prove more stable than a close relationship. By adjusting your lifestyle, attitude, you may have a fabulous love life.
Understand that it takes time and commitment.
It takes times to nurture a long […]
Heal with HBLU therapy
Healing from the Body Level Up HBLU
People engage in talk therapy to relieve uncomfortable emotional and physical feelings. In many cases they want to heal from trauma. They may suffer from minor or “small t” trauma or “large T” traumas. Because the mind and body are inexplicably connected, people who are depressed or anxious, often have changes in sleep patterns, unexplained fatigue, pain, headaches, or even disruption in their relationships. It’s not uncommon for people to turn to drugs or alcohol to treat the symptoms of their problems, yet this only further complicates their situations with self-destructive addictions.
Feel Better and Live a More Productive Life
My clients want to feel better and live happier lives. As a society, we have been taught to believe that talk therapy is the answer to mental health issues, but it takes time and insight to change behavior. It can be difficult to implement changes even if you consciously try. This is because the unconscious is so strong and tends to run behaviors that are painful or maladaptive. How many times have you wanted to change, but were unable to take the steps necessary to make that change?
I was trained in psychodynamic […]
What is Anxiety Disorder?
What are the various signs and symptoms of anxiety?
Anxiety disorder is that category of mental disorder which is characterized by the feeling of fear and anxiety. You are more anxious about the future occurrences and dread your reactions to them. The symptoms of panic attack are almost the same as symptoms of lung disease, heart ailment or issues in the nervous system and intestines. In short, anxiety is the kind of panic disorder where a person experiences moments of fear and the heart starts to pound. There can be a shortness of breath due to this. PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is that condition which leads to anxiety or extreme fear due to any traumatic life experience. It is normal to feel anxious, but any excessive feeling of anxiety may start to interfere with your daily life or activities. No matter how severe the problem, it is curable. You feel tense, nervous and fearful when you are anxious.
Physical symptoms showing that you are anxious:
Apart from feeling tense, nervous, fearful, you may also notice bodily changes as a result of anxiety. The heartbeat rate, shivering, sweating, palpitations or thumping heart, dry mouth, headache and chest pain […]
Dealing with Depression and the Feelings?
Important facts you need to know about depression treatment,
depression therapies and finding a therapist.
Being depressed is something like surrounded by a dark shadow, but even the most severe depression may be treated. If you think you are depressed and depression is preventing you to live a healthy life, then you should take help. You need to know about the various treatment options, and only then, right choices can be made. From lifestyle changes to therapies to medication, there are many ways of treating depression. You will feel happy, hopeful and will seem to restore your life once again. Since no two kinds of depression are the same, there are different cures. To handle depression in the best possible manner, you may know the type of depression you are suffering from.
Smart tips on depression treatment
To treat any of the health conditions, you must know as much as possible about it. There are times when one suffers depression due to some underlying medical condition. If the health condition is not addressed, depression will be more severe. If your condition is severe, you will need a more intensive kind of treatment. Some of the treatment tips are:
• Finding the […]
Tapping into Energy Psychology 101
I discovered energy psychology by accident. I knew someone who was scheduled for surgery and I was curious about alternative treatments that would aid healing. I read about acupuncture, then acupressure, Reiki, and IET. Finally, I found meridian tapping.
Tapping was completely new to me. Without reading too much about it, I registered for a weekend seminar. I needed continuing ed credits, I was curious and it wasn’t too far. I was in the minority. Other attendees were knowledgeable and excited about the meridian tapping technique. I sat through the class and practiced on my peers and myself. At first, I felt nothing. I was skeptical and full of criticism. As the weekend wore on I looked for cracks and tried to disprove the technique. But I couldn’t. I went home still not sold on it, but curious and eager to try it out with my friends.
The proof is in the results
I use myself as a guinea pig with all the healing and therapy methods that I’m interested in. I never get training in anything unless I have personally benefitted from it. Some techniques, such as EMDR, I learn and become certified in. […]
Wanna know a secret?
As a therapist, I spend the majority of my time, listening to people. I rarely talk. When I do, clients usually care about what I have to say. That said, I rarely come under fire for what I think or say. Writing a blog is different. Your words are out there (theoretically) for the whole world to judge and criticize or rebuff if they want to. The internet is an ugly place. It’s anonymity brings out the worst in people. I try my best to stay away from social media, most of the time to avoid the animosity that seems to permeate every platform. But, I really want to write. I have this weird desire to put my thoughts and musings about therapy out there. I hope it helps or educates people. That’s the altruistic part. The other part of me just wants someone to hear the thoughts in my head. If you are reading this, you are that someone.
The more I read about how to blog, the more I see, you just have to do it. You can’t get better at it until you just start doing it. So here I […]
Suicide Within the Middle Aged Population
The following is a guest blog post from Jennifer Scott of Spiritfinder.org
Suicide is an issue that affects people of all ages and socioeconomic groups. Many people often think of teens when they think of at-risk populations for suicide, but the middle-aged and baby boomer populations are increasingly at risk. Issues related to finances, depression, and substance abuse are often involved in the increased risk within this group, but resources for help and prevention are available.
Reach out immediately for help if someone is considering suicide
Do you know someone thinking about Suicide?
If you or someone you care about is thinking about suicide, it is critical to reaching out for help quickly. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached at 1-800-273-8255, and resources are available in a crisis situation via 911 or the local emergency room as well. If you are worried that someone may be in the early stages of considering suicide, reach out to a doctor or therapist to try to defuse the situation before your loved one moves forward on any potential plan.
The suicide rate among middle-aged Americans is rising at an alarming rate!
What are some warning signs of someone […]
What is Energy Psychology?
The term energy psychology refers to an innovative set of techniques that use the human energy system to heal the mind, body, and soul. Our physical bodies consist of a skeleton, organs, glands, and muscles, etc. We also have an energy system that consists of meridians, chakras, and the biofield. Energy psychology draws from eastern techniques of touching, tapping or holding these energy centers to stimulate, move and clean energy fields. This can cause dramatic and lasting changes in a person’s feelings, beliefs, behaviors or mental state.
Going further into Energy Psychology
Most energy psychology synthesizes aspects of muscle testing, borrowed from applied kinesiology, neurolinguistic programming, psychology, and biomedical science and spirituality.
While these may sound new and weird to you, these techniques have been researched and empirically validated over the past 30+ years. They are now beginning to gain recognition as valuable treatments for some of the most difficult to treat and handicapping mental health issues. In the 1990’s Roger Callahan and Gary Craig discovered and routinized meridian tapping or TFT and EFT respectively.
Judith Swack is my mentor and the originator of HBLU (Healing from the Body feel up.
The National Registry of Evidence-based Programs […]
Suicide and 13 Reasons Why
The Netflix series 13 Reasons Why takes an in-depth look at the teenage experience and teen suicide. 13 Reasons Why isn’t just about suicide but it might as well be. I recently took some time out to watch the series and read the book because it had stirred up so my buzz in my Long Island practice.
Relationships are messy; especially for teenagers. For them, every combination of relationship is new territory. Peers, adversaries, authorities and love relationships all present their unique structure and challenges. Experience teaches you how to navigate relationships, but teens are experiencing everything for the first time. Each new experience is wrought with emotion, perception, wishes, desires, and fantasies.
Netflix even produced a stand-alone show which included mental health professionals, advocates, actors, producers and the writer to clarify their intentions and educate the public. They defended 13 Reasons Why and gave some compelling reasons for handling the variety of subjects including cyberbullying, sexual assault, substance abuse, and suicide, the way they did. I appreciate their efforts but the truth is, there is substantial research that depicting or graphically discussing suicide is not preventative. It creates a risk factor. This phenomenon is known as suicide […]